Sunday, November 16

Mexico Workshop with Jose Villa

Can you say AMAZING???!!!

I've been waiting all year for Jose's Workshop  which was held at Hacienda El Carmen in Jalisco, Mexico.  I met some great people from all over and will forever keep their friendships close.  There is so much talent out there!  Jose was inspirational to say the least and so genuine :)  Cameron Ingalls and Karina Puenta also led us during the workshop and what incredible artists they are!  Joel Serrato, Gene Higa, Ann Hamilton were all there with us too, supporting, sharing and being so gracious with their time and I'm so glad we spent this week together, thanks for everything and all the great instruction and wisdom you have passed to us.   I have been reborn! And oohhhh, that mexican light!  It was so incredibly beautiful and I'll never forget it.
Special hollas to our modelos y modelas from Citro Modelos ~ Martin, Danny, Valeria and Miiriam and to Mar Romero who kept them looking hot! 

I'm so sad it's over but I know I'll see you all at WPPI and I can't wait  :)

© Jose Villa Workshop ~ Mexico ~ Photo by Ronnie Ruiz


regina holder said...

To quote our good friend Jorge - "You are the sh*t! You are a great photographer. That's the one!" Truly some of the best images of the week!

Faraday said...

Damn !!! so when your famous i get to say that guy shot my wedding . your stuff just gets better

Anonymous said...

gorgeous! you've got some skills, keep it up!!

Anonymous said...

Good Lord man... those images rock! You captured some magic in Mexico.

Jesh de Rox said...

you are a gift, Ronnie : ) so much love to you this beautiful night.

your friend,

jesh *

Anonymous said...

Killer shots Ronnie ;)

Keep it up!

Joel Serrato Films

Jose Villa said...


I was so blessed to have spent quality time with you.. cant wait for WPPI..


jose villa

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Ronnie,
I just want everyone to know what a super guy you are!! You are so generous with your knowledge and willing to help us underlings!! I know you are busy but I just want you to know that I am extermely greatful for all your time and help! I become a better photographer everytime!! Thank-you
Your pictures are great! You are very talented!


Anonymous said...

I would love to just for a moment borrow your eyes, your vision and your heart.

Sammy said...

wow, well said brit!

Cameron Ingalls said...

Ronnie... You were an inspiration to me! Thanks so much for sharing your heart and your gift. I love the way you see the world!

Anonymous said...

Your rock bro. Lovit. You even got those oranges to work! No kidding about that MX light... do they have a different sun down there????

Anonymous said...

Ronnie, I'm in awe of your work! So great to meet you. Wishing you much success!

Ronnie Ruiz said...

Thanks everyone for the compliments and support :)
It was an amazing experience and what can I say,,,,thanks to Jose and Co. for the inspiration!