Sunday, February 22

Some Holga Happiness

Scanned these images from my Holga negs. They were taken in Mexico while attending Jose's workshop.
I'm not sure which one I really like better. The top one with the extra little bit of surroundings or the bottom with the shadow play and simplicity? Help me decide and leave your vote in the comment section. Heeeyyyy wait a minute, I just had a thought! The one with the most votes by Friday will be marked the winner and if you voted for the winner, I'll send you a 5x5 of the winning image! Let's have some fun!


Anonymous said...

I think the top one has more to offer :)

Anonymous said...

I like the top one. The fence and the shadows tell more of the story.

Anonymous said...

I like the top one, it has more depth.

Sammy said...

I am in agreement the top one for sure!

Lindsey Jane Photography said...

First photo for sure! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I was going to wait until Friday, but I'll take my chances. First one for sure. More story, more depth, more Holganess.

Anonymous said...

The top one is great!! I vote the top one as well.

Brooke Moore said...

The top!

Lindsey Jane Photography said...

Looks like you may have to be sending a lot of prints! :) I commented back to you on my blog, but not sure if you will get it. The show was in Kalispell at the fairgrounds. It was a great one, I thought. I would totally be into doing that next year. How was WPPI this year? I really was bummed I couldn't make it.

Faraday said...

ya the top one

Rachel Anne Davis said...

Number one, definitely. Number two is too postcard-y-looking. Beautiful...just beautiful.

Unknown said...

OK, I have to go against the grain... My initial thought was definatly the first one...but the more I look at them I think the second one draws me in more. It makes me feel like I was there and focusing in on it with my own eyes. If these were both hanging on a wall I would go back to the second one more... Anyway, I don't know a thing about photography, so count me as a half vote for the second one:)

Anonymous said...

Im digging the first one!

Anonymous said...

Hope I'm not coming in too late! I'm drawn to the bottom picture but I'll vote for the top one so that I will have some of your art! Haven't talked with you in quite the while, how have you been?

Sammy said...

Thanks for the print friend!! It is lovely!!

Anonymous said...

I just got my limited edition! Whoohoo! Thanks Ronnie!