Wednesday, March 4

I couldn't have said it any better,,,,

Found this bit of art by Zack Arias via Troy's blog. Oh how true the words. Zack really brings to the surface for me what I sometimes feel during the winter months here in Montana. It's not so bad if you get to play every once in a while, but I'm usually too busy for that nonsense :) However, I am now rethinking that. I'm learning that my time is precious to me and that I must enjoy it more.
Enjoy the film.


Lori said...
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Sammy said...

Thanks for sharing that Ronnie, wow how true his words are.

Anonymous said...

Thank you sooo much for all the time and shared knowledge tonight! Very nice talking with you, see you soon!

Lindsey Jane Photography said...

wow this was wonderful, uplifting and inspiring. thanks for posting... i may post it on my blog as well.(if that's ok) very well done!